Betty W Singer
1926 - 2016
Dear Wayne,
I loved your mother, "Cousin Betty", very much. In our long correspondence over the years she shared so much of our family history with me, and I treasure the very old mementos she gave me to preserve for my own family. Every year she remembered to send birthday cards to both of my children, including silly jokes within. I most loved her sense of humor, her independent spirit, and her love of family and heritage. I send my love and prayers to you and your family.
I wanted to tell Betty's family how much I have enjoyed meeting her at Oaknoll in the past year. Betty raeached out to many different residents here by organizing rotating gruups to have dinner with her and Johm. It was a wonderful way to get to know many different people. Betty's kindness will be greatly missed by many at Oaknoll.
I'm so sorry for your loss and am happy I had a chance to know your mother. I will remember her as funny, spunky, warm and gracious. Although I didn't know her long, Betty always made me feel at ease and she had an openness about her that I found remarkable. I know many will miss her.