Dear Jon and Dina,
It has been many years since I spoke with Jo but we had a wonderful conversation and I had hoped that we could have stayed in touch more. She was so proud of both of you and your accomplishments.
If you don't recognize my name, I rented the south half of the duplex just west of St. Joe's. I worked with Don for years at Central before moving out to Winding Brook Park and then relocating to Phoenix, AZ in Aug. 1984. I worked at Phoenix Union District High Schools for 22 years (one year I was laid off and ended up in a rural elem. district), retiring in 2007. I married Tim Joseph in 1997, thus the name change.
I have fond memories of living "next" door and over the years, watching you grow up. Know what a wonderful person your mom was and how much those who had the privilege of knowing her over her lifetime and the pleasure of working with her hold her in their thoughts and prays.