Irene was very instrumental in my interest to continue my formal education. She had me visit at St. Lukes Hospital when she was the educational director. I later finished my degree at Mt. Mercy University and pursued a career as a financial advisor.
Long before returning to college I was a cosmetologist and cut her hair for many years. She became a very good friend and I enjoyed the stories from her overseas adventures. She encouraged my interest in foreign travel and was so thoughtful to bring me gifts, which I treasure.
I was saddened when her health was failing and she had to give up driving, travel and golf. I visited her at her apartment at Oaknoll several times and later at the extended care facility. The staff always spoke fondly of her.
I was saddened at her passing - though, it is quite a milestone to live to be 102! I think of her often, especially when I read good authors, like P.D. James.
Marsha Barta
701 27th St. NE
Cedar Rapids, IA