On March 1, I learned that Dr. Paula Kempchinsky—my mentor, my advisor, my dissertation director, and my friend—passed away. She was a great model, and I will cherish all of the fond memories I have of her. She made my return to the US from South Korea much easier. She had the sharpest of wits and an amazing breadth and depth of knowledge. She was also very patient during my comprehensive exams and dissertation, meeting weekly to talk about syntax and my progress (usually at T-Spoons). I am glad that she shared some of her light with me.
When she told me about her upcoming retirement, I got it in mind to prepare a volume in her honor with the collaboration of Libby Gielau. It was going to be a surprise, but I couldn't stand not telling her any more and I called her last November to let her know that the volume (https://benjamins.com/catalog/ihll.33) would be forthcoming. She quickly turned the conversation to the election and politics in Iowa and Georgia. Classic Paula. I will miss her terribly.