Daniel D. Anderson
1948 - 2022
Professor Anderson was my PhD advisor at The University of Iowa. I feel lucky to have worked with him. I also had the chance to take several of his classes and he was the supervisor for several of the classes I was a TA for. He was amazingly fast, and I tried to have my tests graded as fast as him. I appreciate his mentorship. I don't know how he found time for all the things he did. I'll always remember his love of cats and tokens, in addition to mathematics and his family. Kathleen and his family and friends are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Daniel Anderson was one of my best teachers while I was a Ph,D student at the university of Iowa..
I met Dan in 1992. I have good memories of him. For instance, the day he accepted being my advisor, he showed me his own list of more than 130 open problems in Algebra. To me he was one of a kind as a mathematician. Dear Dan, my respects and thanks for sharing your many talents. I will certainly miss you very much. Our (Cristina and Roy’s) prayers and thoughts go to Kathleen and family.
I met Dan when we coincided in an NSF review panel at the end of the nineties. After that, we communicated periodically with mathematical issues and I also got to see him at conferences and meetings. He was always a delightful and kind person who will be missed. I know several of his collaborators and former students; they always had only the kindest and warmest memories of him. Condolences to his family and loved ones. Rest in Peace, Dan.
I was pleased to have Dan as a friend and colleague for over 30 years in the mathematics department. For years I attended his seminars in commutative algebra which he ran continuously. One has to admire his vast interests in algebra represented by his numerous and diverse publications. He had a rare gift in mathematics which seemed so easy for him. We will miss Dan.
Dan was my next door neighbor back in the olden days when we were under ten years old. I remember him well from Boy Sckuts and our many adventures
Dan was my professor for two different math classes at The University of Iowa, the first in 1979 and the second in 1980. He also was my older brother's professor for another math class. He was an outstanding teacher. As the years went by, we developed a lasting friendship due to our mutual interest in numismatics. He was a superb mathematician and a fine friend. I will miss him very much and send sincere condolences to his family.
I met Dan in 1969 when our family moved from the Northwest to Iowa City. Dan was in my Modern Geometry class in 1970, where there were individual presentations, that terrified the students. Except, Dan, that is! Dan was the star of the class, and all of us realized from the beginning that he was a special person and mathematician. Dan was a great friend and colleague and we will miss him! Bonnie and my thoughts are with Kathy and the family during these difficult days.
Norm Johnson
I am honored and blessed to have known him. He was truly a blessing in my life and I will miss him.
Sangmin Chun
Thoughts and prayers to the family. I am so sorry for your loss.
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