Rosie Ryan
1926 - 2023
My sympathies to Rosie's family and friends,
I first met Rosie when I started to work at the VA Medical Center, Rosie was kind and encouraging. Later, we became neighbors in North Liberty. We continued to see each other at St Mary's in Solon. Rosie was a good friend. Judy Meier
To last of a great family. Aunt Rosie was a real treat and am glad I got to take her J & P Motorcycle Museum on one my trips over there. We picked her up at Walden and were heading to Ryan and Manchester and stopped there on the way by, we were there for an hour or so and she sat down to rest, we were talking and she leaned over and "You know Pat I rode back in the Forties:" I was like WOW!! It was a great trip we saw Louis and Danny McElliogot at the home in Manchester and visited grave sites of all family in Ryan. she was 1 grand Lady & Proud she was my Aunt. God Bless and receive another Oh Lord.
Love Pat, Redmond McKimmy and, Tallulah &Jjason Broadway
To the woman that put the “SPUNK” in “Spunky” that was my Rosie!! Rosie and Mary Ellen both loved Iowa Women’s Basketball and they cheered with everything they had, win, lose or draw they always ended with GO HAWKS! I loved her tight hugs in both victory and defeat! She loved the players! Her life was filled with kindness and compassion. Rosie you will be missed but your Spunky Spirit will always live on in my heart! Rest in Peace my friend and may you bask in the warmth of God’s eternal light!
Deepest Respect,
Angie Lee
I see Rosy has crossed over ahead of us, we look forward to seeing her again on the other side.
I was very fortunate to know Mary Ellen and Rosy at PVL and later.
So sorry to hear of Rosie's passing. Bowled in the same league with Rosie at Coral Lanes for many years. She was always mild mannered, even tempered and fun. I never knew her to get excited about anything or say a bad word about anyone. She was a real sweetheart. RIP Rosie.
Mary Ellen - so sorry to hear about losing Rosie. Maggie and I have such fond memories of Rosie while attend the UI and living in her Coralville house (' 85 -'87). We also recall stopping at the Lodge a few times to visit you two when coming or going to the McBride Field Campus. We recall Rosie being upbeat, caring and very generous with us while allowing us to stay in the house with our dog. I did not realize that Rosie shared the same birth year as my mother - Sue Beals, and birthday as my brother - Dick!
Rosie and you will always be in our memories of the wonderfully positive time spent going to school at the UI and living in Coralville. Go Hawkeyes. Glad she got to experience the fanatic 2023 March Madness run of the Iowa Hawkeyes Women's Basketball team.
Bob and Maggie Beals (Eugene OR, now birds of a different feather!)
Rosery Service
Funeral Mass
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