Obituary of Jakoby T. Whitney
Jakoby Titus Whitney was born on June 16th, 2022, to John Michael Whitney and Elizabeth Charlene Whitney in Iowa City, Iowa.
Funeral Services will be held at 11 am, Saturday, March 9th, 2024 at Gay & Ciha Funeral and Cremation Service.
Jakoby was one of eight siblings. He was baptized at University of Iowa Hospital on September 1st, 2023.
Jakoby was preceded in death by his great-grandparents: Luella Logan, Nadine Pujou, Hattie Stuckey, Violet Florine Whitney Jr., Francis Elaine Beversdorf, Jenny Beversdorf. Morris Pujou, James Herman Logan, Sylvester Beversdorf, Clifford Whitney II. Harold Price, Rosemary Price, Clifford Whitney Sr., Charles Logan, Diane Campbell, Charles Gaines Sr., Charles Gaines Jr.,: Uncles George Lang, Jack Fury, William and Tommy Logan, Lonnie Logan, Harold Pujoe; Aunts; Evie Beversdorf, Glendlee Harris; great uncles; Edward Young; uncles; Charles Gaines 3rd, cousin; Monica Harris, Vanessa Moorer, Derrick Hicks Jr, Willow Miller.
Jakoby Leaves behind His mother Elizabeth, His Father John, His brothers and sisters (Honorary Pall Bearers ), Grandparents, Great-Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and the greats in between, cousins, Extended Family, Loved Ones and Friends.
Jakoby was loved dearly by his family, we all shared so many memories, memories that we can hold on tight to.
Here are few of the things that Jakoby loved, Jakoby loved toys that vibrate, make loud noises, and toys that he could chew on. He loved watching his grandmother be silly and he loved hearing his mommy sing to him and his daddy read books to him.
Jakoby’s favorite show to watch was Teen Wolf and Paw Patrol. His favorite movies were Paw Patrol Movie, Spider-Man into the spider verse and The Prince of Egypt. His favorite book is “The Crown on Your Head “by Nancy Tillman.
Jakoby loved counting with mommy and learning the alphabet because he loved hearing the alphabet song. He loved balloons, no matter the color or the type, music of inspiration and when he could eat, he loved eating.
Jakoby was a very special boy, he had a way of using his love to encourage others to be better, he gave each and every one of us so much hope to look forward to. His smile can brighten the whole room and when he blew raspberries at you, you knew he was communicating with love.
Jakoby is inspiring, his facial expressions would tell you that he understood what you were saying to him and how he looked at you is how he answered you. He had a very unique way of getting you to do what he wanted and needed, He had a habit of pushing you to find an answer, he kept everybody on their toes, he was God’s little helper who helped us all find that hero in ourselves.
Jakoby is a hero, a good soul that has changed so many lives just by being in it, just by being there, he learned so much in the shortened time that God had loaned him to us, he has taught some of us lessons and he made sure that most of us recognized that we were not teaching him but he was teaching us, in so many ways he has saved us all, that is why he is not just any hero but he is OUR HERO.