A.A. Meeting
Peter Huyck and I were friends during undergraduate study at
the University of Iowa, after gratuating from T. Roosevelt high school in Des Moines. Peter was a genius, never needed to study to get As in all his classes. We were eccentrics, like to drink beer, listen to music and talk about all kinds of issues like war, race, the meaning or lack of being a man. I moved to New York and lost contact with Peter, but it is very sad to think he has left us. Peter was an original character, always greaat to hang with, always full of new ideas, someone I will always remember for his unique personality. Best wishes to Peter's family and friends. Fred A. Wiolcox
peter was my first love..,,,high school ...... i told my mother i was in love with his brain...,. but it was more than that!
Great loss of great mind and good person!
Linda Newman Woito
Madison, Wisconsin
Peter and Ken used to give me rides from the VA and UIHC to Melrose Ave. On occasion I would jump on the bus ...No charge.. Shane J RIP
Our deepest sympathy and prayers to Mary, Anne, Charlie, Mary Lee and all of Peter's family. Thank you for sharing Peter with all of us Pardee relatives. We pray in gratitude for his witness of faith and courage through the struggles and the joys of his life. Peter is now reunited with his beloved Cheryl and other loved ones as he lives peacefully forever in the presence of his God and Jesus' mother Mary. May you be comforted in that faith.
Our love and promise of prayers,
Sisters Jeanie and Elaine Hagedorn, chm
My thoughts and prayers are with Peter’s family.
Lisa Letourneau (Pardee cousin)
He once reduced it to the ultimate goal of sobriety was to die sober.
One of the last of the real gentlemen. Lord's blessings to the family.
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