Phillip Daniel Cummins
1934 - 2024
Karen I heard of Phil's death through his fellow Hume society member,Stanley Tweyman. My most sincere condolences on his passing. Our enjoyable times together after the chance pairing at golf in Florida remained a strong positive memory for both of us. Since Frans death in May of 2023 things have indeed been different ,finally reaching some resolution after meeting a lovely toronto widow and spending time with her. I hope that you will have fond memories of your time with Phil. In the Jewish tradition we would wish you no further sorrows,and comfort among the mourners of the destruction of Jerusalem in biblical times.Fondly Mel Petersiel
Phil was my Father in Law for 10 years. My daughter Victoria was incredibly lucky to have forged such a close relationship with her grandfather. My heart goes out to Karen, Thyra and Dan and all of the extended Cummins family. Everyone who knew Phil was lucky indeed, and he will never be forgotten.
I was a grad student in Philosophy so I got to see Phil pretty often. Good guy, funny guy, great Bridge player. He lived a full life and always had a good attitude. I like that he wrote his own obit. Makes it more personal. He will be missed.
Rex Clemmensen
So sorry Thyra & Ron, Dan & Laurie. Thoughts & prayers to you and all the Cummins family.
Dear Karen and to Phil's entire family,
I am sorry to hear of Phil's passing. Sending heartfelt sympathy to all of you.
Annie Tucker
I am so sorry to hear of Phil’s passing. I’m wishing you peace in your memories of the good times with Phil. Please accept my most sincere condolences to you and Phil’s entire family.
Marti Van Allen
Iowa City, IA
Dan, Laurie as all the family sorry for your loss. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers. Keep all the good memories in your hearts forever. God Bless you all.
Dan and Laurie: Diane and I send our condolences. Thinking of you. Dave Martin
Dan and Laurie, My condolences to you and your family at this moment of sorrow and reflection.
Dan, Laurie and family- I’m so sorry for your loss. My heartfelt sympathies to all. He’s going to be welcomed home with open arms. Thinking of you at this time of great sorrow and loss.
K. P.
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