Louis A. Frank
1938 - 2014
I recently decided to look up some of Dr. Frank's published works on auroral plasmas. Busy as I am, oblivious to the world around me, I was shocked to find news of Dr. Frank's passing a year and a half ago. I took his optics course ca. 1982. He was the finest educator I ever encountered. After 25 years away in CA and TX, I had the good fortune to bump into Dr. Frank at Menards and told him so. "You were the best, excellent," I told him. I said I still used the text he taught from in my physics and engineering career. We chatted and parted ways. I'm very sorry to learn this sad news, at least 10 years too soon for the great mind and fine man Dr. Frank was.
Read the Dr's book back in 1995 I believe. Great read and it's been gratifying to learn many of his ideas have been substantiated. Perfectly plausible idea and it explains so much. Thank you Dr Frank for a good read and a decent science lesson learned.
I have been following Dr. Frank since the OMNI magazine article appeared in 1983. I am saddened by his passing. Thank you for your work and your endurance in the field of astronomy.
Dear Louis: The world lost a great scientist. So sorry you went through hard time last recent years. I will miss you and always love you.
I found a copy of "The Big Splash" in the tiny science section of a B. Dalton's Book store in 1990. I'm confident one day Dr. Frank's discovery that a great many small comet enter the Earth's atmosphere as supersonic clouds of water vapor will be recognized as one of the greatest discoveries of mankind. I bought several more copies and mailed them to friends and family. I appreciated the fact that Dr Frank wrote the book for the non-scientist, only requiring - perhaps - a modicum of science knowledge to comprehend.
I am deeply surprised and saddened by this sudden obituary of Prof. Louis Frank. He was my advisor for graduate Ph.D thesis and a mentor for lots of things.
I remember him as a researcher and a teacher who sincerely helped my mission for developing space science instrument forone of the first Korean satellites, KITSATs. Perhaps naturally for a graduate student, I have been running into different problems after getting myself involved into experimental instrument. Night and day and over the weekend, the seemingly endless problems did stop, but Louis, who often could be seen on the hallway late night, sincerely advised and shared his experiences. The experience and lessons that Louis shared is a foundation of my research career. I thank him and owe him for what I am.
I hope he now does not worry about the things that he doesn't have to and rest in peace, for I have seen him carrying so much of works and responsibilities.
Jongho Seon
Seoul, Korea
Our sincere thoughts and prayers go out to all of the family. Home Instead Senior Care.
I wanted to express my sadness regarding the passing of Dr. Frank. I was unable to attend the memorial. I will always remember him!
I remember Dr. Louis Frank as bright and successful space scientist. Sorry for his passimg away. My compassion to his family and his friends.
Oleg Vaisberg.
Over 30 yrs ago I enrolled at UI, fresh out of high school & in search of the meaning of life. I preferred to find it through prose-based courses, but "Core" requirements forced me to find a science class: "Chemistry and Physics of the Environment". Dr Lou Frank was the instructor for this 'science for dummies' course (when his presence wasn't in demand elsewhere in the US/on Earth). Back then I had only a general idea of his stature in his field, What I did immediately appreciate was the clarity of his lectures, particularly because it a subject that would otherwise make me day dream about-oh anything else, and he held my interest. He was so clear. Most importantly, he was so FUNNY. My study focus did not shift to chemistry/physics as a result, but to this day Dr Frank automatically pops up when I think "who was my favorite professor?" Just from that one class. Having a PhD, or even having a degree that says "I took classes to become a teacher" does not guarantee the ability to teach effectively He was a great teacher. Wishing happy memories of him to stay with his loved ones
It was a privilege for me to get to work with Dr. Frank in collaborative research in space physics. In particular, Lou offered lots of very valuable advice to me during the development and operation of the Dynamics Explorer mission. His extensive experience in satellite instrumentation and its accommodation on spacecraft gave important guidance to a newcomer like me in the 1970's. His contributions to our field were tremendous. We will miss his insights, knowledge, determination and tenacity in our future exploration of planetary environments throughout the solar system.
Thinking of you today ~ our thoughts are with you Suzanne and family.
Laurie & Lenny
A member of the initial generation of space researchers, Lou Frank was an outstanding experimental physicist whose instruments provided new knowledge of the solar system. He will be remembered for his contributions to his university and to the nation's space program.
Lou was a great experimentalist and a pleasure to work with. He had an excellent understanding of theory which helped advance the field of plasma physics. His unique instruments and very careful measurements were invaluable. He will truly be missed.
Dear Suzanne and family,
My deepest sympathy to you on the passing of your father. My prayers to you.
Farewell to a beloved friend and legendary scientist. Your legacy is secure. I will miss you.
It was with both shock and sorrow
that we learned of the sudden death of Prof. Frank.
Suzanne and Family - so sorry for your loss. You are in my prayers.
Dear Dr. Frank:
In 1983 you hired me to be your secretary in the Physics Department. I so appreciate that you gave me that opportunity. I came to respect you as a brilliant scientist and gifted writer. i also appreciate that you encouraged me to take additional courses while working with you and to eventually attend graduate school. And I know that in your own way, you watched over and protected me -- a mid-twenties, small town girl. You looked at me as another daughter. Once you said that we spent more time together than you did with your family. At first I was both surprised and somewhat saddened over that statement, but as I reflect on it, it does make sense, as you spent most of your wakeful hours at work, far beyond the typical eight hours a day. I'm sorry that I didn't visit you in the nursing home and I realize that your last years have not been easy for you. But I prefer to remember you as the vital man I knew back in the day. I just want you to know that you will be missed.
I was sorry to read of the passing of your father Lou. I knew him from living around the corner from him on Hummingbird Lane and I had the pleasure of being the nurse manager at a facility where Lou resided. He was a gentle man and very talkative, at least to me. May grace and peace surround you during this time of grief.
Lou was a true pioneer of space science, one of the first to make reliable measurements of plasmas in space. I remember him for his clear-eyed tenacity of intellect, his willingness to go to the mat to get at the truth.
I did not know Lou personally but knew the family. My deepest condolences.
What an amazing man....
May you find comfort in God's peace.
Diane Grapp
We are deeply saddened to learn that Prof. L.A. Frank has passed away so prematurely. We were closely tied together two decades ago when we implemented the Geotail Project. Although it was the first of the full-fledged international projects to us in Japan, mutual respect and trust quickly developed between us and we had a wonderful time working together. Experience and expertise brought by Lou and his team were invaluable.
May peace be with you and your family always.
Jess and Sue,
Please accept my heartfelt sympathy for the loss of your father, my thoughts and prayers go out to your family. He's resting now in heaven and you have a life time of memories. Peace and Blessings Lori
May the silent thoughts and prayers of those who care comfort you.
Deepest Sympathy- Teresa Crowl
What a beautiful tribute to your father. Wishing your family peace and comfort during this bittersweet time. Warmly, Shelli
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