Stephen H. Holmes - Ames, IA - school friend
If I recall correctly, Tom and I met in the 9th grade at Hoover Junior High and then on to West High. We spent some time together for about two years before our other friends took us in different directions. I remember Tom as lighthearted, and sort of a prankster - fun loving. I visited his home and he visited mine after school and on occasion on the week-end.
It has been over forty years since West High but, nevertheless, I was quieted by the news of Tom's passing.
I always remembered Tom. A friend of mine who stays in touch with people in Waterloo sent me the article in the newspaper.
In particular, I recall Tom was very proud of his (1968?) Mercury Cougar - I think he may have gotten from his older brother?
Tom remains a part of my life.
My deepest condolences to all of the family