I met Bruce when he joined our VA Regional Office here in Des Moines after he joined us from (I think it was) Salt Lake City three or four years ago. He was Air Force, I was Army, and we had been to a few of the same places over the courses of our military careers. Wow. What a guy, and what a life. He was an aviator (the profession I know he loved most dearly), a sailor, an educator (he spoke often of his remarkable experiences in Czechoslovakia) , and a ski bum. And a reader. And a story teller. He wouldn't shut up about his kids. And when he laughed, and I mean really laughed, which wasn't terrifically often, his face would light up like a beam of sunshine. If you knew him you know what I mean. He was well liked and respected here and if there's a memorial service there are a couple of us that would be very honored to be included but of course no biggie whatever Bruce would want is fine. Respectfully,